1.Account Application:
On Page 1, please initial on the top of the form
On page 1 (Step 1), please detail your Name, and Type of Account
On Pages 2-3, complete Step 2
On Pages 3, please complete if applicable
On Page 4 (Step 4), provide source of funds, and then initial
On Page 5 (Step 5), please complete form. If you want to choose these type of investments, selecting “Growth, Maximum Growth, and Speculation” is appropriate
Complete Step 6 if you would like to add a trusted contact
Complete Step 7 and 8
On Page 6, initial Step 9
On Page 6, initial Step 10
On Page 7 (Step 12), please sign by “Account Holder”
Please attach a copy of your driver license
2. Account Transfer:
Within Section 2, select either a (1) Full Account Transfer or (2) Partial Account Transfer. If a Partial Account Transfer, please provide detail (cash or securities) to be transferred
Please sign Section 3 by “Account Holder”
Provide a copy of a recent brokerage statement from the IRA account you’re transferring. (We will use your statement to complete the remainder of the form)
3. CM Capital Contract:
Complete the CM Capital Contract
Initial section 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d
Initial 1st paragraph of Section 3 (Discretionary Investment Management)
Initial 1st paragraph of Section 17
Complete page 7 with your address, phone, and email
Sign and date page 6 (directly below section 19)
Initial page 9 (exhibit 2). Please initial both sections on the bottom. Please note that processing fees for this deal costs ~$35 a month to the account
Complete the pages 11-13
4. LOA Authorization Form
Sign and complete LOA authorization form to allow for the transfer of retirement funds
5. Adoption Agreement
Designate Beneficiary
Complete Form and sign by “Signature of IRA Owner”